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Contact Us:


Phone: (781) 843-3616
Visit: 12 Elm Street, Braintree, MA 02184

Church Calendar


There's a lot going on at 12 Elm Street!

Click on the Calendar for details.

 The next Food Pantry collection date is
Wednesday, October 2 
@ 5:00-6:30 
Simply pull into the semi-circular driveway in front of First Congregational Church @12 Elm Street and hand your donations to our volunteers. You don't even need to leave your vehicle! 

All items are delivered to the

Marge Crispin Food Pantry.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Worship @ 9:30am
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In the Sanctuary


Mark 8: 27-38

Rev. Patti McLennan preaching

"Who Are You? Who Who Who Who?"​​​​​​

We are pleased to announce that the live-streaming of our worship services will resume THIS SUNDAY, September 15.  

 The lectionary for this week and the next 4 weeks focuses on Jesus’s teachings as recorded in the book of Mark. This week we will hear about Jesus declaring Himself as the Messiah as well as learning about what it means to be a disciple of His. You will be asked to answer the question: Who Are You? Who? Who? Who? Who?

Plan to stay for a brief time for refreshment and fellowship!

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Welcome, and thank you for visiting First Congregational Church of Braintree, UCC online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to meet you!

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United Church of Christ


God is still speaking...

First Congregational Church of Braintree is a member of the United Church of Christ.  Drawn together by the Holy Spirit, UCC members are a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church, joining faith and action.

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