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There's always something happening at First Church!  From magic shows, movies and gingerbread contests to bingo nights, potluck suppers, candlelight vigils and church fairs, young and old alike find ways to connect to each other and to God.  

Easter Egg Hunt 2023 Slide Show

Past events:

Concert for Haiti Relief Update



Rev. Gisca Bonhomme reports that the funds raised at our recent Concert for Haiti Relief were gratefully received in rural Haiti.  They were NOT able to give food due to logistics problems but instead, they gave each family a tarp.  This was especially welcome since it’s raining every single week.   Below are two videos of the people who received the tarps.  In the video, they expressed how grateful they are to be receiving something.  One of the places called “Savon” the people talked about how they never receive help from abroad.  They talked of how people never think about them, so they were so thrilled to have us thinking about them.  They also said that they are going to continue to pray for us and for those who supported us.   They said a million thank you and Rev. Gisca also says thank you very much. 

Christmas Pageant December 2017
Gingerbread Bash 2017
gingerbread bash 2017
gingerbread bash 2017 2
gingerbread bash 2017 3
Candle Light Vigil for Justice and Unity
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